Jessica has provided me with general life coaching for almost a year now, in which she has helped me with issues ranging from health, to family life to business.
I see such an important role as requiring two primary traits to be effective, and Jessica excels at them both.
The first would be what I see as the hard skills of resourcefulness, rational thinking, problem solving, education, and experience. On many occasions Jessica has put all of these to great use and helped me on a technical level to strategize and learn to a much greater degree than I would have been able to do on my own.
The second would be soft skills like caring and empathy, which I think not only enable her hard skills, but more importantly to me, create a safe and pleasant environment conducive to anyone trying to become their best self. She seems to come by these traits naturally, so I think she's found her calling!
Thank you so much Jessica, for both your humanity and your smarts! I’m better for having known you.
Andrew W